Policies & Procedures
Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Full payment is required upon registering for an event, program or course.
All checks must be drawn on US funds. There is a $20 charge for returned checks.
All Westchester Italian Cultural Center courses, program and presenters are subject to change or cancellation. There are no refunds unless the WICC cancels an event. For closing due to bad weather, check our website or call 914-771-8700. Class cancellations due to bad weather will be made up and will not be refunded.
Refunds and Withdrawals:
All programs and classes registrations are non-refundable and non-transferable. If you are unable to attend a program or event, you may contact us 48 hours prior to the date for a receipt that enables you to claim your contribution as a tax-deductible gift.
Language Courses:
Students may change level of class before the second class of the series has started. Classes are subject to change or cancellation. Class cancellations due to bad weather will be made up and will not be refunded. If one withdraws from a language course before it begins, they must notify the office five full business days before the first day of class. A refund will be issued, -$20 processing fee. Students have the option to take part in a Trial Class, which is the first class of each course. After the first class, a student cannot be refunded for any reason. We are not responsible for providing make up classes or issuing refunds for programs or classes missed as a result of illness, emergencies, or other events beyond our control.
Our facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. Please advise us when you register if you have special needs.
When applicable discounts are granted one per person/per family. Senior discounts are given with proper identification.
Please remember to bring appropriate event passes. For the safety and enjoyment of all participants, we reserve the right to refuse admission to disruptive children or adults. Latecomers will be admitted during appropriate intervals in the program. Famiglia Membership is required to claim Memberships fee for all family programs, and children’s language. Events and classes may be recorded for archival and/or media purposes.
Such recordings may include pictures of the audiences or class, or of individuals in the audience or class. Your attendance in the audience or at class shall be deemed your consent to appear in such programming without compensation of any kind.